Bell Ringer:
A tale of Fallen Peak
In "Bellringer," a young mouse named Ruuna, is enslaved but remains unbroken due to her indomitable spirit. After a daring escape, she finds refuge in Heartwood Abbey, only to defend it from her pursuers. Despite hardships, Ruuna's journey is a testament to hope and resilience, symbolized by her eventual role as the abbey's bellringer.
Spirit of Hope
The music for "Bell Ringer" is inspired by old-fashioned medieval fantasy themes, giving listeners a magical experience. It combines nostalgic melodies to evoke a sense of enchantment, taking listeners on a journey through a world of fantasy and grandeur. The composition weaves together themes that capture beauty and mystery, inviting the audience to immerse themselves in a realm of magic. Enchanting soundscapes transport listeners to wondrous lands, while intense moments add drama and excitement through dynamic shifts in tempo and orchestration.
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Tapestry art by Nova Nocturne
Character art by Alexander Johnson